Pluto News
July 26, 2023

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New Models Explain Canyons on Pluto Moon

In 2015, when NASA's New Horizons spacecraft encountered the Pluto-Charon system, scientists discovered interesting, geologically active objects instead of the inert icy orbs previously envisioned. Scientists have revisited the data to explore the source of cryovolcanic flows and an obvious belt of ...

Hubble Detects Ghostly Glow Surrounding Our Solar System

Imagine walking into a room at night, turning out all the lights and closing the shades. Yet an eerie glow comes from the walls, ceiling, and floor. The faint light is barely enough to see your hands before your face, but it persists. Sounds like a scene out of a scary movie?" No, for astronomers ...

Scientists Identify a Possible Source for Charon's Red Cap

Scientists combined data from NASA's New Horizons mission with novel laboratory experiments and exospheric modeling to reveal the likely composition of the red cap on Pluto's moon Charon and how it may have formed. This first-ever description of Charon's dynamic methane atmosphere using new ...

Mystery Behind Formation of Surface Ice-Shapes on Pluto Unraveled

Scientists have unraveled a fascinating new insight into how the landscape of the dwarf-planet Pluto has ...

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updated 12:05pm EDT

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