Reference Terms
from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


医学健康科学的分支和年代ector of public life concerned with maintaining human health or restoring it through the treatment of disease and injury.

Note:The above text is excerpted from the Wikipedia article "Medicine", which has been released under theGNU自由文档License.

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Health & Medicine News
August 15, 2023

Recent paleogenomic research revealed that interbreeding was common among early human species. However, little was known about when, where, and how often this hominin interbreeding took place. Using paleoanthropological evidence, genetic data, and ...
A new study finds that past changes in atmospheric CO2 and corresponding shifts in climate and vegetation played a key role in determining when and where early human species ...
Creating new technologically advanced sensors, scientists have engineered bacteria that detect the presence of tumor DNA in live organisms. Their innovation could pave the way to new biosensors capable of identifying various infections, cancers and ...
New research has successfully reversed hearing loss in mice. Scientists used a genetic approach to fix deafness in mice, restoring their hearing abilities in low and middle frequency ...
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updated 12:56 pm ET