Science & Society News -- ScienceDaily // Videos and stories on museum exhibits, theatrical performances, and a variety of cultural activities as well as the latest research on arts and culture. en-us Mon, 28 Aug 2023 18:54:49 EDT Mon, 28 Aug 2023 18:54:49 EDT 60 Science & Society News -- ScienceDaily // For more science news, visit ScienceDaily. Millions of carbon credits are generated by overestimating forest preservation, study finds // 研究分析了18个主要碳抵消项目,一个d compares their conservation claims with matched sites that offer a real-world benchmark for deforestation levels. Over 60 million carbon credits came from projects that barely reduced deforestation, if at all. Of a potential 89 million credits from these offset schemes, only 5.4 million (6%) were linked to additional carbon reductions through preserved forest. Thu, 24 Aug 2023 15:07:17 EDT // Math enables blending hydrogen in natural gas pipelines // Mathematical modeling can show how to safely blend hydrogen with natural gas for transport in existing pipeline systems. A secure and reliable transition to hydrogen is one of the proposed solutions for the shift to a net-zero-carbon economy. Thu, 24 Aug 2023 12:02:06 EDT // 2023 Global Heat Wave: July brought the hottest three weeks observed so far // The first three weeks of July 2023 have been the hottest global three-week period so far. Researchers report that the European population's exposure to heat was highest in Italy. Thu, 24 Aug 2023 11:19:11 EDT // Heavy drinking, handgun-carrying linked among rural youth // Alcohol use and subsequent handgun carrying were positively associated during adolescence and young adulthood among individuals who grew up in rural areas, similar to findings in urban areas. Reducing alcohol use may be an important strategy to prevent handgun carrying and firearm-related harm among young people in rural areas. Wed, 23 Aug 2023 19:29:42 EDT // National parks support wildlife inside and outside their borders // Fresh research suggests that national parks enhance bird diversity inside their borders. Large parks also support higher diversity of both birds and mammals in nearby unprotected areas. Wed, 23 Aug 2023 16:55:28 EDT // Barnacles may help reveal location of lost Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 // Geoscientists have created a new method that can reconstruct the drift path and origin of debris from flight MH370, an aircraft that went missing over the Indian Ocean in 2014 with 239 passengers and crew. Wed, 23 Aug 2023 12:26:08 EDT // Buffalo slaughter left lasting impact on Indigenous peoples // The near extinction of the North American bison in the late 1800s caused a devastating, lasting economic shock to Indigenous peoples whose lives depended on the animals, an economic study finds. Wed, 23 Aug 2023 12:25:53 EDT // Why childhood adversity impacts how a person's behavior is judged // 这是人的本性需要做判断的时候。但是为什么我们place less blame on someone, or give more praise, if we find out that person had a history of suffering in childhood? In a recent study, researchers discovered why someone's childhood adversity influences how others judge their behavior. Tue, 22 Aug 2023 15:17:24 EDT // Which is easier to remember, symbols or words? // Everyday symbols like &?!#@$ are highly memorable, according to new research. The new study aimed to investigate how well symbols are remembered compared to words with the same meaning. Tue, 22 Aug 2023 11:17:16 EDT // Grow-your-own households eat more fruit and vegetables and waste less // Household fruit and vegetable production, in allotments and gardens, could be key to a healthy and food-secure population, a new study has found. Tue, 22 Aug 2023 11:16:53 EDT // 'Coastal squeeze:' Massive loss of U.S. coastline tidal flats over 31 years // The entire contiguous U.S. has experienced massive urban expansions and the Atlantic Coast shows outstandingly high rates. Urban expansion has substantially squeezed the space of tidal flats and affected surrounding environments. In new urban areas, tidal flats have undergone considerable degeneration with more significant patterns as they get closer to new urban locations. Tidal flats protect against the ocean's destructive powers such as hurricanes. Without some inland spaces to move around, they will likely disappear, which will have dire consequences for beachfront communities. Tue, 22 Aug 2023 11:16:30 EDT // New research finds way to reduce bias in children // Children's views of inequality may be influenced by how its causes are explained to them, finds a new study by a team of psychology researchers. The work offers insights into the factors that affect how larger social issues are perceived at a young age and points to new ways to reduce bias toward lower-status economic groups. Mon, 21 Aug 2023 15:32:01 EDT // Natural language processing to extract social risk factors influencing health // A new study has found that a natural language processing (NLP) system showed excellent performance when ported to a new health system and tested on more than six million clinical notes of patients seen in Florida. Performance was evaluated for generalizability and portability, defined as ease and accuracy when deploying the software in a new environment and of updating its use to meet the needs of new data. Mon, 21 Aug 2023 11:44:09 EDT // REBURN: A new tool to model wildfires in the Pacific Northwest and beyond // Researchers have developed a new tool, REBURN, that can simulate large forest landscapes and wildfire dynamics over decades or centuries under different wildfire management strategies. The model can simulate the consequences of extinguishing all wildfires regardless of size, which was done for much of the 20th century and has contributed to a rise in large and severe wildfires, or of allowing certain fires to return to uninhabited areas to help create a more 'patchwork' forest structure that can help lessen fire severity. REBURN can also simulate conditions where more benign forest landscape dynamics have fully recovered in an area. Mon, 21 Aug 2023 11:43:27 EDT // US can cut building emissions by up to 91%, saving $100 billion per year in energy-related costs, modeling study shows // The US has committed to reaching net-zero emissions by 2050. To accomplish this goal, large cuts in emissions are necessary, especially in high-emission sectors like the building industry. Researchers use a computational model to analyze several scenarios of future building energy use in the US. They find that by tackling emissions on multiple fronts and placing focus on 'demand-side measures' that affect how power is drawn from the grid, such as technologies like electric heat pumps and smart thermostats, the US can achieve its climate goals, decrease building emissions by 91% from their 2005 peak, and save over $100 billion each year on energy costs. Fri, 18 Aug 2023 13:51:38 EDT // Economist group argues for scientific experimentation in environmental policymaking // The economists say more frequent use of up-front experiments would result in more effective environmental policymaking in areas ranging from pollution control to timber harvesting across the world. Thu, 17 Aug 2023 16:40:40 EDT // 没有积极的气候行动,美国房地产values will take a hit from escalating wildfire risk and tree mortality, study finds // Research attempts to quantify the value of U.S. property at risk in forested areas exposed to increased ecological disturbance associated with climate change, such as wildfire and tree mortality. Property exposed to such climate risks, especially in California, is project to climb substantially if emission-reduction measures are not taken. Thu, 17 Aug 2023 16:39:48 EDT // With advances in in vitro models, group proposes refined legal definition of an embryo // Thanks to continuous advances in human stem cell research, studies that make use of embryo models are progressing quickly. This research offers both a scientific and ethical alternative to the use of embryos resulting from fertilized human eggs, and the appropriate ethical guidelines have been developed in parallel with the advances being made. A group of biologists and ethicists suggest additions to the current ethical framework that refine thinking about human embryology using embryo models to maximize benefits to society. Thu, 17 Aug 2023 16:39:27 EDT // America's wealthiest 10% responsible for 40% of US greenhouse gas emissions // A new study reveals that the wealthiest Americans, those whose income places them in the top 10% of earners, are responsible for 40% of the nation's total greenhouse gas emissions. The study links income, especially income derived from financial investments, to the emissions used in generating that income. The authors suggest that policymakers adopt taxes focused on shareholders and the carbon intensity of investment incomes in order to equitably meet the goal of keeping the global temperature to 1.5 C of warming. Thu, 17 Aug 2023 16:38:49 EDT // The evolution of complex grammars // Many linguists have proposed that languages spoken by numerous non-native speakers tend to have simpler grammars. A new study challenges this claim. By analyzing a global sample of 1,314 languages, they found that speech community size and the proportion of second-language speakers were not associated with simpler grammars. Wed, 16 Aug 2023 16:00:34 EDT // Unveiling Japan's ancient practice of cranial modification: The case of the Hirota people in Tanegashima // Cranial modification is a form of body alteration where the head is pressed or bound to permanently deform the skull. The practice has been reported across various cultures throughout history. Researchers report that the Hirota people -- who lived on the southern Japanese island of Tanegashima between the 3rd to 7th century CE -- also conducted cranial modification, with indication that both males and females performed the practice. Wed, 16 Aug 2023 16:00:24 EDT // Greater excess mortality after hurricanes more recently and for most socially vulnerable in the U.S. // Over recent decades, there was a large variation in cyclone-related excess deaths by hurricane, state, county, year, and social vulnerability for counties in the United States, with 83 percent of hurricane-related deaths occurring more recently and 94 percent in more socially vulnerable counties. Wed, 16 Aug 2023 16:00:00 EDT // Extreme heat may hasten cognitive decline in vulnerable populations // A new study finds that ongoing extreme heat can worsen cognitive decline among vulnerable groups -- particularly Black older adults and those living in poor neighborhoods. Tue, 15 Aug 2023 15:11:26 EDT // A new way to evaluate the impact of medical research // A new study suggests that the 'impact factor' used to evaluate scientific journals and research papers does not accurately capture the impact of medical papers on health outcomes for all patients, particularly those in low or middle-income countries. As an alternative, the researchers developed a metric that they call the 'diversity factor.' Evaluating articles and journals using a new 'diversity index' could promote a wider range of perspectives and better global health outcomes, researchers say. Mon, 14 Aug 2023 17:45:19 EDT // Even treated wastewater affects our rivers // Wastewater treatment plants are undoubtedly a great achievement. After all, they have made a significant contribution to improving the quality of natural waters. A study shows, however, that substances still manage to enter the water cycle that have an impact on the composition of the organisms living in it. Fri, 11 Aug 2023 14:38:31 EDT // Infant formula safety checks can be improved with stratified sampling // Producers of infant formula employ comprehensive food safety systems, including product testing to ensure those systems are working. A new study finds that some testing methods are more powerful at catching contaminants than others. Fri, 11 Aug 2023 14:38:29 EDT // New recycling process could find markets for 'junk' plastic waste // Although many Americans dutifully deposit their plastic trash into the appropriate bins each week, many of those materials, including flexible films, multilayer materials and a lot of colored plastics, are not recyclable using conventional mechanical recycling methods. In the end, only about 9 percent of plastic in the United States is ever reused, often in low-value products. With a new technique, however, chemical engineers are turning low-value waste plastic into high-value products. Fri, 11 Aug 2023 11:55:24 EDT // Social media use interventions alleviate symptoms of depression // Receiving therapy for problematic social media use can be effective in improving the mental wellbeing of people with depression, a new study finds. Fri, 11 Aug 2023 11:54:51 EDT // A roadmap to help AI technologies speak African languages // From text-generating ChatGPT to voice-activated Siri, artificial intelligence-powered tools are designed to aid our everyday life -- as long as you speak a language they support. These technologies are out of reach for billions of people who don't use English, French, Spanish or other mainstream languages, but researchers in Africa are looking to change that. Scientists now draw a roadmap to develop better AI-driven tools for African languages. Fri, 11 Aug 2023 11:54:30 EDT // Study confirms link between concealed carry weapons and gun homicide rates // Concealed guns significantly impact homicide rates and public safety, according to a new study that found an increase in homicides based on the number of concealed carry weapons licenses issued. Thu, 10 Aug 2023 11:04:25 EDT // Effectiveness of video gameplay restrictions questioned in new study // Legal restrictions placed on the amount of time young people in China can play video games may be less effective than originally thought, a new study has revealed. Thu, 10 Aug 2023 11:04:04 EDT // Study ties fracking to another type of shaking // New research confirms fracking causes slow, small earthquakes or tremors, whose origin was previously a mystery to scientists. The tremors are produced by the same processes that could create large, damaging earthquakes. Thu, 10 Aug 2023 11:03:45 EDT // Font size can 'nudge' customers toward healthier food choices // Restaurants can persuade patrons to choose healthier foods by adjusting the font size of numbers attached to nutritional information on menus, according to a recent study. U.S. restaurants with more than 20 locations are already required to show the calorie content of food on their menus. By representing these values incongruously -- using physically larger numbers on the page when they're attached to lower-calorie options, and smaller numbers for high-calorie foods -- the researcher said that businesses can successfully 'nudge' customers toward healthier choices. Thu, 10 Aug 2023 11:03:43 EDT // US municipal bond market pricing may be biased by race, unphased by climate risk // New research suggests that the US municipal bond market systemically misprices risk, as the pricing of municipal debt does not account for local physical climate risk, but does demand larger credit spreads from communities with a larger proportion of Black residents. Wed, 09 Aug 2023 16:46:57 EDT // Over one million acres of tribal land submerged by dams in the US, research finds // 大坝建设已经淹没了超过113万cres of tribal land in the U.S., contributing to the historic and ongoing struggle against land dispossession for Indigenous peoples in the United States. New research has identified that a region of tribal land larger than the state of Rhode Island has been submerged by dams in the U.S. The findings raise concerns about the destruction of ecosystems, cultural heritage, and livelihoods. Wed, 09 Aug 2023 13:07:00 EDT // Land-sea relationship is major driver of coral reef health outcomes // New research indicates that mitigating both local land and sea-based human impacts, especially in terms of pollutants and over-fishing, provides coral reef ecosystems with the best opportunity to persist under climate change. Along some highly populated areas on the shorelines of Hawai'i, wastewater pollution and urban runoff combine with fishing pressures to put immense stress on coral reefs. Wed, 09 Aug 2023 13:06:08 EDT // A new weapon in the war on robocall scams // The latest weapon in the war on robocalls is an automated system that analyzes the content of unsolicited bulk calls to shed light on both the scope of the problem and the type of scams being perpetuated by robocalls. The tool, called SnorCall, is designed to help regulators, phone carriers and other stakeholders better understand and monitor robocall trends -- and take action against related criminal activity. Wed, 09 Aug 2023 13:04:05 EDT // Disclosing 'true normal price' recommended to protect consumers from deceptive pricing // New research recommends disclosing a 'true normal price' to protect consumers from deceptive pricing. Wed, 09 Aug 2023 00:49:14 EDT // Wearables will transform health, but change brings challenges say researchers // Wearable technology presents immense opportunities to improve the way we live our lives, but a group of international researchers say the rapidly developing field also brings big challenges. Tue, 08 Aug 2023 15:12:52 EDT // Poor time management causes poor sleep for college students // Poor time management skills, particularly in organization, can lead to poor sleep quality for college students. Tue, 08 Aug 2023 15:12:50 EDT // Managing domestic and wildcats is likely to remain fraught, new research warns // Current efforts to protect and restore native biodiversity is being threatened by difficulties in identifying wild and domestic cats, and categorization is likely to remain fraught for the foreseeable future, experts have warned. Tue, 08 Aug 2023 11:09:34 EDT // New model reduces bias and enhances trust in AI decision-making and knowledge organization // Researchers have developed a new explainable artificial intelligence (AI) model to reduce bias and enhance trust and accuracy in machine learning-generated decision-making and knowledge organization. Tue, 08 Aug 2023 11:09:05 EDT // The war-damaged urban environment in Kharkiv is fatal for bats // Russia's war in the Ukraine has severe consequences not only for humans, it also has detrimental effects on populations of urban and semi-urban wildlife in the attacked cities and regions. Scientists recently examined the effects of war-related damages to buildings on urban populations of one important and widespread bat species, the Common Noctule (Nyctalus noctula), in the city of Kharkiv in north-eastern Ukraine. They showed that many buildings used by bats as roosts have been destroyed and approximately 7,000 bats were killed. In addition, partially destroyed buildings have become a death trap for bats, resulting in several thousand more victims. Tue, 08 Aug 2023 11:08:56 EDT // Smart devices: Putting a premium on peace of mind // 白宫宣布计划推出签证官luntary labeling for internet-connected devices like thermostats and baby monitors that meet certain cybersecurity standards. A new survey of U.S. consumers shows that they are willing to pay a significant premium to tell which gadgets are safe from security attacks before they buy. But voluntary product labels may not be enough if the program is going to protect consumers in the long run, the findings suggest. Mon, 07 Aug 2023 15:21:58 EDT // Memory, forgetting, and social learning // One of the most actively debated questions about human and non-human culture is this: under what circumstances might we expect culture, in particular the ability to learn from one another, to be favored by natural selection? Researchers have developed a simulation model of the evolution of social learning. They showed that the interplay between learning, memory and forgetting broadens the conditions under which we expect to see social learning to evolve. Mon, 07 Aug 2023 15:21:47 EDT // Using social media to raise awareness of women's resources // Social media can help women in Egypt identify more resources to help stop domestic violence, according to a study led by MIT researchers. Mon, 07 Aug 2023 12:19:55 EDT // Study: People expect others to mirror their own selfishness, generosity // A person's own behavior is the primary driver of how they treat others during brief, zero-sum-game competitions, researchers report. Generous people tend to reward generous behavior and selfish individuals often punish generosity and reward selfishness -- even when it costs them personally. The study found that an individual's own generous or selfish deeds carry more weight than their desire to conform to the attitudes and behaviors of others. Mon, 07 Aug 2023 12:19:16 EDT // Researchers propose a data-driven strategy to stratify risk of progression from mild cognitive impairment to Alzheimer's disease // The projected cost of caring for millions of individuals who have Alzheimer's disease (AD) worldwide will exceed a $1 trillion in a few years. In addition to the enormous health burden, patients and their caregivers experience financial, physical and psychological strain. A theory regarding repeated drug failure in AD is that patients undergoing experimental therapies are selected too late in the disease process. Therefore, it is important to identify patients at a high risk of progression to AD in early stages of the disease. To help identify persons who could benefit from early interventions, researchers from Boston University have developed a deep learning framework that can stratify individuals with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) based on their risk of advancing to AD. Fri, 04 Aug 2023 12:36:59 EDT // Researchers discuss the ethical challenges of studying DNA from a 18th--19th century African American community // A population genetics team recently identified the genetic relationship between over 40,000 23andMe users and a population of enslaved and free African Americans that lived in Catoctin Furnace, Maryland between 1776--1850. Over the course of this study, the researchers considered how best to inform descendants and other genetic relatives of their genetic connection to the site. Thu, 03 Aug 2023 14:17:08 EDT // Better coaching to promote a person's growth // What if there was a more effective way to coach and inspire your employees? Athletes? Students? Even your kids? A new study suggests there is. Their newly published work used neuroimaging to peer into the brains of participants as they responded to two different styles of coaching. The researchers wanted to see what happens in the brain that either helps people grow or causes them to resist change. Thu, 03 Aug 2023 11:29:46 EDT // Machine learning, blockchain technology could help counter spread of fake news // A proposed machine learning framework and expanded use of blockchain technology could help counter the spread of fake news by allowing content creators to focus on areas where the misinformation is likely to do the most public harm, according to new research. Tue, 01 Aug 2023 17:20:11 EDT // Early-life lead exposure linked to higher risk of criminal behavior in adulthood, researchers find // An evaluation of 17 previously published studies suggests that exposure to lead in the womb or in childhood is associated with an increased risk of engaging in criminal behavior in adulthood -- but more evidence is needed to strengthen understanding. Tue, 01 Aug 2023 15:28:56 EDT // Score, then rank: Researchers propose an integrated approach to grant review assessments // The public funding of science is responsible for many of the biomedical and other scientific breakthroughs on which our lives depend. However, the process through which funding decisions are made, the peer review of grant proposals, has been historically understudied, and current approaches can lead to undesirable outcomes. Tue, 01 Aug 2023 15:28:46 EDT // Scientists develop method to predict the spread of armed conflicts // The statistical model identifies links between battles in Africa and can be applied to other armed conflicts, according to a new study. Tue, 01 Aug 2023 13:16:41 EDT // A natural experiment provides evidence of link between air pollution and childhood obesity // Moving to more polluted areas was associated with an increase in body mass index, according to an analysis of more than 46,000 children and adolescents living in Catalonia. Tue, 01 Aug 2023 10:50:11 EDT // Nature-based solutions can help tackle climate change and food security, but communities outside Europe are missing out // (国家统计局)可以帮助大challe自然解决方案nges, such as climate change and food security, but, as things stand, communities outside of Europe do not stand to benefit from these innovations. New research has found that more than 60% of NBS are located in Europe, with other regions showing poor use of the technologies. Tue, 01 Aug 2023 10:50:03 EDT // Plans to plant billions of trees threatened by massive undersupply of seedlings // Major government and private funding is being invested in planting trees as a powerful tool to fight climate change. But new research shows a troubling bottleneck that could threaten these efforts: U.S. tree nurseries don't grow close to enough trees--nor have the species diversity needed--to meet ambitious planting and restoration goals. Mon, 31 Jul 2023 13:28:29 EDT // GPT-3 can reason about as well as a college student, psychologists report // The artificial intelligence language model GPT-3 performed as well as college students in solving certain logic problems like those that appear on standardized tests. The researchers who conducted the experiment write that the results prompt the question of whether the technology is mimicking human reasoning or using a new type of cognitive process. Solving that question would require access to the software that underpins GPT-3 and other AI software. Mon, 31 Jul 2023 11:07:50 EDT // Billions in conservation spending fail to improve wild fish stocks in Columbia Basin // Four decades of conservation spending totaling more than $9 billion in inflation-adjusted tax dollars has failed to improve stocks of wild salmon and steelhead in the Columbia River Basin. Fri, 28 Jul 2023 17:06:19 EDT // How to move communities away from flooding risks with minimal harm // As sea levels rise and flooding becomes more frequent, many countries are considering a controversial strategy: relocation of communities. A Stanford analysis of planned relocations around the world reveals a blueprint for positive outcomes. Thu, 27 Jul 2023 14:40:07 EDT //