Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily // Read weight loss articles and the latest information on dieting. Choose a diet plan based on your health and lifestyle needs. Consider the pros and cons of low carbohydrate diets, low fat diets, weight loss surgery. en-us Wed, 26 Jul 2023 15:19:28 EDT Wed, 26 Jul 2023 15:19:28 EDT 60 Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily // For more science news, visit ScienceDaily. Fewer teens now perceive themselves as overweight -- international study of more than 745,000 adolescents // A study involving more than 745,000 adolescents from 41 countries across Europe and North America identified an increase in the amount of teenagers who underestimate their body weight. Tue, 04 Jul 2023 11:09:36 EDT // Fasting can help you lose weight, but you might gain it back quickly // Water fasts -- where people consume nothing but water for several days -- might help you lose weight, but it's unclear how long you'll keep it off, according to new research. And the other metabolic benefits of water fasts, such as lower blood pressure and improved cholesterol, seem to disappear soon after the fast ends, the researchers found. Thu, 29 Jun 2023 12:56:56 EDT // The worm that learned: Diet found to affect learning in older nematodes // A group used a nematode model to discover that the weakening of the learning ability of older individuals does not occur when their diet includes the bacteria Lactobacillus reuteri. Since such bacteria are commonly found in the human gut, these findings suggest ways to use diet to reduce age-related cognitive decline. Tue, 27 Jun 2023 22:52:36 EDT // Molecular imaging identifies brain changes in response to food cues; offers insight into obesity interventions // Molecular imaging with 18F-flubatine PET/MRI has shown that neuroreceptors in the brains of individuals with obesity respond differently to food cues than those in normal-weight individuals, making the neuroreceptors a prime target for obesity treatments and therapy. This research contributes to the understanding of the fundamental mechanisms underlying obesity and offers valuable insights into potential medical interventions. Tue, 27 Jun 2023 12:30:07 EDT // Lean body mass, age linked with alcohol elimination rates in women // Research links women's lean body mass with how quickly they eliminate alcohol from their system. Women with obesity and those who are older eliminate alcohol from their bloodstreams faster than those of normal weight and those who are younger. Mon, 26 Jun 2023 16:41:51 EDT // Omega-3 fatty acids linked to slower decline in ALS // People with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) who eat more foods high in certain omega-3 fatty acids like flaxseed oil, walnuts, canola oil and pumpkin seeds may have a slower physical decline from the disease and may have a slightly extended survival. Researchers also found an omega-6 fatty acid may be beneficial. The study does not prove that these omega fatty acids slow decline of ALS or extend survival; it only shows an association. Wed, 21 Jun 2023 16:46:36 EDT // How chronic stress drives the brain to crave comfort food // Stress can override natural satiety cues to drive more food intake and boost cravings for sweets. Thu, 08 Jun 2023 12:09:05 EDT // Junk food may impair our deep sleep // In a new study, researchers have investigated how junk food affects sleep. Healthy participants consumed an unhealthier as well as a healthier diet in a randomized order. After the unhealthier diet, the quality of the participants' deep sleep had deteriorated, compared with those who had followed the healthier diet. Tue, 30 May 2023 12:54:00 EDT // Low-flavanol diet drives age-related memory loss, large study finds // Age-related memory loss is likely caused, in part, by lack of flavanols -- nutrients found in certain fruits and vegetables -- according to a large study in older adults. Mon, 29 May 2023 17:17:57 EDT // Brain-belly connection: Gut health may influence likelihood of developing Alzheimer's // A new study pinpoints 10 bacterial groups associated with Alzheimer's disease, provides new insights into the relationship between gut makeup and dementia. Thu, 11 May 2023 16:46:33 EDT // The feeling of hunger itself may slow aging in flies // While it has been long understood that limiting the amount of food eaten can promote healthy aging in a wide range of animals, including humans, a new study has revealed that the feeling of hunger itself may be enough to slow aging. Thu, 11 May 2023 16:44:51 EDT // More structure, fewer screens makes for healthier kids in the school holidays // In the first Australian study of its kind, University of South Australia researchers found that when primary school children are on holidays, they're less active, more likely to be on screens, and tend to have a worse diet than during the school term. 星期五,2023年4月14日11:35:18美国东部时间 // Kombucha to kimchi: Which fermented foods are best for your brain? // The consumption of fermented products is on the rise, and drinks like kombucha and kefir have gone viral in their popularity. But is there more to this than consumers searching for natural and healthy foods? Thu, 13 Apr 2023 15:44:58 EDT // Non-biological factors and social determinants of health important in women's CVD risk assessment // A new scientific statement reviews research about racial and ethnic differences in cardiovascular risk factors among women in the U.S. In addition to traditional risk factors, women of underrepresented races or ethnicities experience challenges in the diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular conditions due to language barriers, discrimination, difficulties in acculturation or assimilation, lack of financial resources or health insurance, or lack of access to health care. Mon, 10 Apr 2023 11:16:44 EDT // Bariatric surgery may reverse diabetes complications for people with obesity // 超过1亿的美国人肥胖,bariatric surgery may reverse complications related to diabetes, including regenerating damaged nerves, a new study shows. Researchers say the findings suggest that bariatric surgery likely enables the regeneration of the peripheral nerves and, therefore, may be an effective treatment for millions of individuals with obesity who are at risk of developing diabetes and peripheral neuropathy, Mon, 10 Apr 2023 11:16:31 EDT // Researchers leverage cell self-destruction to treat brain tumors // Medical researchers have found that glioblastoma tumor cells are particularly sensitive to ferroptosis -- a type of cell death that can be triggered by removing certain amino acids from the diet. Fri, 07 Apr 2023 09:42:32 EDT // Exposure therapy to feared foods may help kids with eating disorders // Whether you're afraid of dogs, needles or enclosed spaces, one of the most effective interventions for this type of anxiety disorder is exposure therapy in which you confront your fear in a safe environment. A new study finds that exposure therapy is also a promising treatment for adolescents with eating disorders. They found that exposure to feared foods -- such as candy bars and pizza -- helped kids who were in a partial hospitalization program for eating disorders experience decreased anxiety toward food. Wed, 05 Apr 2023 16:13:54 EDT // Smells influence metabolism and aging in mice // Exposure to female odors and pheromones causes weight loss and extend the life spans of mice, which may have implications for humans, researchers have found. While it was already known that sensory cues in humans and animals influence the release of sex hormones, this study shows that these cues could have more wide-spread physiological effects on metabolism and aging. Mon, 03 Apr 2023 10:03:08 EDT // Dieting: Brain amplifies signal of hunger synapses // Many people who have dieted are familiar with the yo-yo effect: after the diet, the kilos are quickly put back on. Researchers have now shown in mice that communication in the brain changes during a diet: The nerve cells that mediate the feeling of hunger receive stronger signals, so that the mice eat significantly more after the diet and gain weight more quickly. In the long term, these findings could help developing drugs to prevent this amplification and help to maintain a reduced body weight after dieting. Fri, 24 Mar 2023 13:52:18 EDT // A higher dose of magnesium each day keeps dementia at bay // More magnesium in our daily diet leads to better brain health as we age, according to scientists. Thu, 23 Mar 2023 10:34:15 EDT // Is bone health linked to brain health? // People who have low bone density may have an increased risk of developing dementia compared to people who have higher bone density. The study does not prove that low bone density causes dementia. It only shows an association. Wed, 22 Mar 2023 19:08:44 EDT // Sweets change our brain // Chocolate bars, chips and fries - why can't we just ignore them in the supermarket? Researchers have now shown that foods with a high fat and sugar content change our brain: If we regularly eat even small amounts of them, the brain learns to consume precisely these foods in the future. Wed, 22 Mar 2023 14:09:34 EDT // Mediterranean diet associated with decreased risk of dementia, study finds // Eating a traditional Mediterranean-type diet -- rich in foods such as seafood, fruit, and nuts -- may help reduce the risk of dementia by almost a quarter, a new study has revealed. Mon, 13 Mar 2023 21:50:55 EDT // MIND and Mediterranean diets associated with fewer Alzheimer's plaques and tangles // People who eat diets rich in green leafy vegetables as well as other vegetables, fruits, whole grains, olive oil, beans, nuts and fish may have fewer amyloid plaques and tau tangles in their brain -- signs of Alzheimer's disease -- than people who do not consume such diets, according to a new study. Wed, 08 Mar 2023 20:10:51 EST // A good night's sleep may make it easier to stick to exercise and diet goals // People who had higher scores for sleep health -- based on regularity, satisfaction, alertness, timing, efficiency and duration -- during a 12-month weight loss program were more likely to follow the caloric intake and exercise components of the program in comparison to peers who scored lower for sleep health. Fri, 03 Mar 2023 17:58:44 EST // Reducing social media use significantly improves body image in teens, young adults // Teens and young adults who reduced their social media use by 50% for just a few weeks saw significant improvement in how they felt about both their weight and their overall appearance compared with peers who maintained consistent levels of social media use, according to new research. Thu, 23 Feb 2023 13:28:43 EST // Fructose could drive Alzheimer's disease // An ancient human foraging instinct, fueled by fructose production in the brain, may hold clues to the development and possible treatment of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Mon, 13 Feb 2023 11:33:45 EST // Sugar is processed differently in the brains of obesity-prone vs. obesity-resistant rats // A new study tracked what happens in the brains of rats in real time in the brain when presented with glucose, a type of sugar, labeled with a tracer. The tracer allowed the researchers to measure this new sugar in the brain. Thu, 02 Feb 2023 15:36:02 EST // Study finds obesity-related neurodegeneration mimics Alzheimer's disease // A new study finds a correlation between neurodegeneration in obese people and Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients, suggesting that losing excess weight could slow cognitive decline in aging and lower risk for AD. Tue, 31 Jan 2023 10:18:52 EST // Why a high fat diet could reduce the brain's ability to regulate food intake // Regularly eating a high fat/calorie diet could reduce the brain's ability to regulate calorie intake. New research in rats found that after short periods of being fed a high fat/high calorie diet, the brain adapts to react to what is being ingested and reduces the amount of food eaten to balance calorie intake. The researchers suggest that calorie intake is regulated in the short-term by cells called astrocytes (large star-shaped cells in the brain that regulate many different functions of neurons in the brain) that control the signalling pathway between the brain and the gut. Continuously eating a high fat/calorie diet seems to disrupt this signalling pathway. Thu, 26 Jan 2023 10:02:17 EST // Supplementation with amino acid serine eases neuropathy in diabetic mice // The study adds to growing evidence that some often-underappreciated, 'non-essential' amino acids play important roles in the nervous system. The findings may provide a new way to identify people at high risk for peripheral neuropathy, as well as a potential treatment option. Wed, 25 Jan 2023 12:15:53 EST // Loneliness associated with unhealthful diets and physical inactivity among US college students // 大学生报告更高层次的寂寞iness also reported a higher level of sedentary behavior and low activity. Fri, 20 Jan 2023 13:13:11 EST // Body Dissatisfaction Can Lead to Eating Disorders at Any Age // Eating disorders are stereotypically associated with adolescents and young adults. Growing evidence, however, suggests that these conditions can occur at any time during a woman's lifespan, including at midlife. A new study finds that body dissatisfaction is a primary cause of eating disorders, especially during perimenopause. Wed, 18 Jan 2023 09:20:38 EST // Study explores effects of dietary choline deficiency on neurologic and system-wide health // Choline, an essential nutrient produced in small amounts in the liver and found in foods including eggs, broccoli, beans, meat and poultry, is a vital ingredient for human health. A new study explores deficiency in dietary choline adversely affects the body and may be a missing piece in the puzzle of Alzheimer's disease. Tue, 17 Jan 2023 19:30:06 EST // How better planning, behavior regulation may lead to eating less fat // New research suggests coaching overweight or obese pregnant women to improve their ability to plan and make progress toward goals may be key to helping them lower the amount of fat in their diet. Wed, 11 Jan 2023 08:35:02 EST // Aware or not aware: you are affected by food cues either way // A research team has revealed a difference in neural activity in response to visual food stimuli, depending on whether those stimuli are presented consciously or unconsciously. Using a questionnaire to assess the study participants, the team found that this difference was associated with their scores on eating behaviors, including emotional eating and cognitive restraint of food intake. These results indicate that eating behavior cannot be understood without taking into account both unconscious and conscious neural processes. Tue, 10 Jan 2023 10:35:18 EST // The nose knows: Study suggests it may be wise to screen for smell loss to predict frailty and unhealthy aging // In a study using data from nearly 1,200 older adults, researchers have added to a growing body of evidence that loss of the sense of smell is a predictive marker for an increased risk of frailty as people age. Tue, 10 Jan 2023 10:34:13 EST // Education about genetic causes of eating behavior affects attitudes toward people with higher weight // Education about gene-by-environment interaction (G X E) causes of eating behaviors can have beneficial downstream effects on attitudes toward people with higher weight. A recent study found that participants who received education about G X E concepts reported higher empathy and held fewer stigmatizing attitudes toward individuals with higher weight. G X E is when two different genotypes respond to variations in the environment in two different ways. Mon, 09 Jan 2023 11:27:22 EST // Can diet combined with drugs reduce seizures? // Following a modified Atkins diet high in fat and low in carbohydrates plus taking medication may reduce seizures in people with tough-to-treat epilepsy, according to a new study. Wed, 04 Jan 2023 23:18:01 EST // 5 -羟色胺2 c receptor associated with obesity and maladaptive behavior // 一个协作研究揭示了一个新的基因相关联d with obesity and maladaptive behavior. The evidence shows that rare mutations in the gene for the serotonin 2C receptor play a role in the development of obesity and dysfunctional behaviors in humans and animal models. Mon, 19 Dec 2022 14:43:17 EST // Patterns of lifespan weight gain/loss may predict dementia risk // Dementia is a growing global public health concern currently affecting 50 million people and is expected to rise dramatically to more than 150 million cases worldwide by 2050. Obesity, commonly measured by body mass index (BMI), continues to be a global epidemic and earlier studies suggested that obesity at midlife may lead to increased risk for dementia. But the association between BMI and the risk of dementia remains unclear. Now, researchers have found that different patterns of BMI changes over one's life course may be an indicator of a person's risk for dementia. Thu, 15 Dec 2022 10:45:59 EST // A Mediterranean diet not only boosts health, but also improves fertility // With an emphasis on fruits, vegetables and legumes, the Mediterranean diet has long been applauded for its multiple health benefits. Now, new research shows that it may also help overcome infertility, making it a non-intrusive and affordable strategy for couples trying to conceive. Tue, 13 Dec 2022 09:48:01 EST // Subcutaneous fat emerges as a protector of females' brains // Females' propensity to deposit more fat in places like their hips, buttocks and the backs of their arms, so-called subcutaneous fat, is protective against brain inflammation, which can result in problems like dementia and stroke, at least until menopause, scientists report. Tue, 13 Dec 2022 09:47:55 EST // Research links common sweetener with anxiety in mouse study // Researchers have linked the artificial sweetener aspartame to anxiety-like behavior in mice. Along with producing anxiety in the mice who consumed aspartame, the effects extended up to two generations from the males exposed to the sweetener, according to the study. Thu, 08 Dec 2022 17:42:26 EST // New findings on how to avert excessive weight loss from COVID-19 // Losing too much weight when infected with COVID-19 has been linked to worse outcomes. Now, researchers have discovered that SARS-CoV-2 infection fuels blood vessel formation in fat tissues, thus revving up the body's thermogenic metabolism. Blocking this process by using an existing drug curbed weight loss in mice and hamsters that were infected with the virus, according to the study. Thu, 08 Dec 2022 11:48:31 EST // Financial incentives boost weight-loss programs, study finds // 支付现金为失去一个sp与肥胖人ecific amount of weight or completing weight-reducing activities works better than offering stand-alone free tools, such as weight-loss programs, diet books, and wearable fitness trackers, a new study shows. Mon, 05 Dec 2022 12:15:56 EST // Scientists discover secret to waking up alert and refreshed // If you're blaming your genes for morning sluggishness, think again. A new study finds that genetics plays a minor role in morning alertness. Instead, test subjects were most alert after sleeping longer and later than typical for them, exercising the previous day, and eating a low sugar breakfast high in complex carbohydrates, with only moderate amounts of protein. It's also important to pay attention to how your blood glucose levels respond after a meal. Tue, 29 Nov 2022 14:38:11 EST // Shaking less salt on your food at the table could reduce heart disease risk // Adding additional salt to foods at a lower frequency is associated with a reduced risk of heart disease, heart failure and ischemic heart disease, according to a new study. Mon, 28 Nov 2022 16:21:35 EST // Mom's dietary fat rewires male and female brains differently // New findings in mice show that excessive weight gain while pregnant tips the scales for male but not female mice to be more depressed in adulthood due to less brain serotonin. A similar result was found in humans, where the more fat measured in a placenta corresponded to less serotonin in the developing brains of males, but not females. Mon, 28 Nov 2022 11:29:55 EST // How women can reduce the risk of hip fracture // Increasing intake of protein and drinking regular cups of tea or coffee is a way women could reduce their risk of suffering a hip fracture, according to new research. Food scientists have found that for women, a 25g a day increase in protein was associated with, on average, a 14% reduction in their risk of hip fracture. In a surprise twist, they also discovered that every additional cup of tea or coffee they drank was linked with a 4% reduction in risk. Mon, 28 Nov 2022 10:08:52 EST // Picky eaters are put off by food depending on plateware color // Researchers examining the characteristics of picky eaters have found the color of the bowl food is served in has an influence on taste. Wed, 23 Nov 2022 19:37:10 EST // A better model for type 2 diabetes: The Nile rat // Researchers have assembled the first reference genome for the Nile rat -- a kind of genetic template of this species that may be used for laboratory and clinical studies. The hope is that it will be useful for those who investigate Type 2 diabetes and neurological disorders associated with a disrupted diurnal rhythm. The Nile rat is prone to diet-induced diabetes, and exhibits a clear diurnal pattern, unusual in rodents. Tue, 15 Nov 2022 18:45:17 EST // Finding the solution to obesity // In the 20 years obesity among adults has risen significantly. Data show that one third of U.S. adults 20 years of age and older have obesity. Obesity continues to be a common, serious and costly disease. Scientists discuss the many different theories explaining why obesity continues to increase despite best efforts at controlling weight gain in this environment, including increased availability and marketing of high-calorie and high-glycemic-index foods and drinks, larger food portions, leisure time physical activities being replaced with sedentary activities such as watching television and use of electronic devices, inadequate sleep, and the use of medications that increase weight. Wed, 02 Nov 2022 11:55:27 EDT // Study finds dieters may overestimate the healthiness of their eating habits // Adults who were making lifestyle changes to lose weight tended to overestimate how healthy their diet was, according to a new study. In addition, self-perceptions of how much their diet improved over the course of the 12- month study were often inaccurate -- most thought they improved the quality of their diet, yet there actually was not much change based on researchers' assessment. Future research focused on perceptions vs. reality about nutrition may lead to healthier eating patterns. Tue, 01 Nov 2022 11:17:24 EDT // Why late-night eating leads to weight gain, diabetes // Scientists have uncovered the mechanism behind why eating late at night is linked to weight gain and diabetes. The connection between eating time, sleep and obesity is well-known but poorly understood, with research showing that over-nutrition can disrupt circadian rhythms and change fat tissue. Fri, 21 Oct 2022 16:35:59 EDT // Weight change in early Parkinson's may be tied to changes in thinking skills // People who gain or lose weight soon after being diagnosed with Parkinson's disease may be more likely to have changes in their thinking skills than people who maintain their weight, according to a new study. Wed, 19 Oct 2022 17:21:37 EDT // Manipulating stress response in cells could help slow down aging // Scientists have found that a stress response in cells, when 'switched on' at a post-reproductive age, could be the key to slow down ageing and promote longevity. Wed, 19 Oct 2022 09:07:22 EDT // Cardiovascular disease risks the same in both sexes // For men and women, the risk factors for cardiovascular disease are largely the same, an extensive global study shows. Mon, 17 Oct 2022 10:23:59 EDT // Does the Mediterranean diet really decrease your risk of dementia? // A number of studies have suggested that eating a healthy diet may reduce a person's risk of dementia, but a new study has found that two diets including the Mediterranean diet are not linked to a reduced risk of dementia. Wed, 12 Oct 2022 16:35:33 EDT // Gut microbiome plays a role in lifestyle's effects on dementia risk // The gut microbiome may play a role in how diet and exercise affect brain health and dementia risk, suggests a recent study. This knowledge could help scientists and clinicians optimize strategies to prevent dementia. Tue, 11 Oct 2022 10:57:59 EDT //