Cloning News
July 30, 2023

Top Headlines

Wheat's Ancient Roots of Viral Resistance Uncovered

一个基因的DNA序列在小麦fo负责r resisting a devastating virus has been discovered, providing vital clues for managing more resistant crops and maintaining a healthy food ...

Rice Breeding Breakthrough to Feed Billions

An international team has succeeded in propagating a commercial hybrid rice strain as a clone through seeds with 95 percent efficiency. This could lower the cost of hybrid rice seed, making high-yielding, disease resistant rice strains available to low-income farmers ...

Scientists Find Primitive Blueprint for Embryo Cell Creation

A groundbreaking study has uncovered 14,000 unique sites in DNA that together form the most elementary blueprint for embryogenesis -- the creation of ...

The Hardy Wild Grass That Could Save Our Bread

An obscure species of wild grass contains 'blockbuster' disease resistance that can be cross bred into wheat to give immunity against one of the deadliest crop ...

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updated 11:09am EDT

Earlier Headlines

Newly Discovered Enzyme Helps Make Valuable Bioactive Saponins

Researchers discovered a new enzyme, closely related to the CSyGT family of enzymes involved in producing cellulose in plant cell walls. Unexpectedly, they found the new enzyme is responsible for a ...

Host Genetic Factors Shape Composition of Virus Communities

Plants can be infected by multiple viruses at once. However, the composition of the pathogen community varies, even if individuals belong to the same species and the same population. Ecologists have ...

海星的Ability to Clone Itself May Empower This Mystery Globetrotter

The identity of wild cloning sea star larvae has been a mystery since they were first documented in the Caribbean. The most commonly collected cloning species was thought to belong to the ...

Japanese Sake: The New Pick-Me-Up? Yeast Strain Makes Fatigue-Fighting Ornithine

Researchers have found that that a mutant strain of sake yeast produces high levels of the amino acid ornithine. Ornithine has been found to reduce fatigue and improve sleep quality, and the ...